Lead Follow Up Campaigns

The #1 Software to Help Multifamily Vendors

Turn Traffic to Leads so that Leads become Sales.

What are lead follow up campaigns?

Lead follow up campaigns are campaigns designed specifically to follow up with leads or reactivate them. When someone becomes a lead, they may not be ready to buy right away and often slip through the cracks unless your team remembers to follow up. In reality, people are usually in the research phase when they first reach out, and may not be ready to buy for another 3, 6 or even 12 months! The good news is, the Multifamily Clients software is designed to eliminate this problem and is built with pre-installed follow up campaigns that you can begin using immediately.

A sample follow up campaign would include messages such as "Hi, it's been about three months since we last connected - did you end up filling the positions? We'd recommend scheduling another demo soon to hear about our latest integration." A calendar link would then be provided for them to directly book a meeting. These types of messages could be sent as an email or text message and can be scheduled to release after 3 months, 6 months, etc.

Once someone enters a follow up campaign they will receive the first message within your specified time. In the Multifamily Clients Pipeline, you can drag a lead over into various categories such as new lead, hot lead, demo booked, etc. If you create a category called "Not Yet Ready" this can be an indication that someone should be entered into your follow up campaign. All you would have to do is click and drag that person into "Not Yet Ready" and they would now be enrolled in your campaign to begin receiving messages.

Not only can you set email or text automations for your lead to receive, you can also add a manual call step, or voicemail drop in your campaign. If this was the case, you would either get a reminder to call this person, or the software can drop a pre-recorded voicemail from someone on your team into that person's inbox. This is designed to humanize the process, and eliminate human error.

Here is another example of a template a recruiting company could use to follow up with leads:

A unique feature of the Multifamily Clients software is the pre-installed campaigns that are meant specifically for multifamily. Here is an example of a message within a Trade Show Reactivation Campaign. This could be sent out to everyone who visited your booth during the event to make sure you know where those leads went and that they are being followed up with accordingly. In this campaign, leads will receive a string of messages at certain times, and upon response, will be removed from this campaign. Your sales team would then be notified of a positive response, or your lead will enter the next campaign which could be to book an appointment, reminders, etc.

With the Multifamily Clients software, you have the ability to upload your current contacts so that you can effectively reactivate those leads you've acquired. This is an effective way to organize your business and get more clients as quickly as possible.

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